New year, new you? How about new year, better you. You’re great. Whether people tell you, or you feel like it or not. You are you and as long as you are doing your best, you’re a great person. But how can you be better? Keep striving for improvement in any way way, even if it’s so small… super tiny even. We need better people in the world and that means people who grow and change in a positive way. So this year, change your mindset and be better, even though you’re already great. Here are a few tips that work for me as I continue my journey to become a better person.
1. Do the Work
Whatever you do, do it hard. Being a hard-worker is one of the most respectable and honorable things you can do. Your occupation does not matter. What matters is if you’re a badass at it. The more you strive to be a master of your trade, the more reward; respect, influence, money (probably), and positive energy you will receive. Work hard and be proud. Want to be the best mom? Be the best mom, girl. You are just as powerful as the CEO of some fancy-shmancy corporation. You make those babies’ worlds go round. That’s your mindset shift for 2021. Work it.
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2. Don’t Settle
This is the number one piece of advice I give. DON’T SETTLE. EVER. When you do your best, you deserve the best. Never tell yourself you deserve less than to be blissfully happy. I had an old boyfriend tell me I lived in ‘ LaLa Land’ once. Joke’s on him because it’s my reality now. I love everything about my life and if I had settled for him… not so much. Me? Started a successful career as a public school teacher at 27. Married my soulmate at 29. Changed from career to SAHM at 31 (yes, before I was pregnant, but planning on starting a family). Had my first babe at 32. Beginning a blogging career at 33. It was worth the wait to be exactly where I wanted at the times when it happened.
And I don’t JUST mean relationships. I mean it all. Know your worth at your job, as a friend, to your family, financially. You may hurt some feelings along the way, but my advice to them is the same as it is to you. Don’t settle. That’s your mindset shift for 2021. Make a list of priorities/ values and stick to them. The universe will make it happen eventually.
3. Look For and Recognize Opportunity
I think people fail to realize they have choices. I hear lots of people complain, saying things like they “can’t,” or someone “made” them, or they “had to.” Not sorry to say but YOU are in control of your life and YOU decide what you will or will not do. So make a good choice, a positive choice, a choice that makes you better. The universe, or God, or natural selection, or whatever you believe in lays out opportunities for self-improvement through choices. You just have to look for them and recognize them.
You get cut off at the grocery store. Maybe it’s a job promotion or even a layoff. You’re looking for a house. Maybe you just found out you’re pregnant. Or maybe you are looking into politics. Whatever it is, recognize that you have an opportunity to be better with that choice and make a good one. That’s your mindset shift for 2021. The more you realize you are in control of your own life, the better decisions you’ll make and the better the person you’ll become.
4. Be Grateful
When you make that good choice and that energy brings you joy. Be grateful. Recognize it. Be happy. Praise your positive efforts. Love your life and yourself. It’s not selfish, it’s not vain; it’s deserved. Try to appreciate what you have accomplished no matter the significance to others. The more positive energy you put out, the more positive you will feel. I go to sleep every night thinking of my daughter smiling. She is joy. She sees all of the good. That is how we are meant to be. Don’t let a negative world change that for you. That’s your mindset shift for 2021. You have more than you think.
5. Be Authentic
Yes, there is a time and place for some things, but overall you should be able to bring yourself to the party. Be free of judgment and know that you are unique. Some people will love it and some people won’t; that’s 100% OK. How other people feel about you is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. The more you are true to yourself, the more others will appreciate you, whether they like you or not, and the more comfortable in life you will be. My husband can be a “conspiracy theorist” at times, but he owns it and most of the people who know him find it endearing because that is his authenticity. They don’t agree, but they appreciate that he is honestly himself. That’s your mindset shift for 2021. Be more you.
6. Reflect and Improve
As you are trying to work hard, settle for nothing but what you deserve, make good choices and be true to yourself; REFLECT. It’s not always easy. We naturally feel down or make excuses. That’s life. We are all human. Use those instances as times to observe what happened, think about yourself, how you felt and reacted, then improve. Make a tweak. Literally write down what didn’t work for you and what you could do next time that could make the same situation better. The word is metacognition. It basically means ‘thinking about your thinking.’ Do that because the more self-aware you are of what makes you feel good and bad, the more you will be able to control what you do to make that good stuff happen. That’s your mindset shift for 2021. Get in your head; grow that mind; learn to improve.
7. Enjoy the Ride
Whoa! That was… A LOT. These are all things that can be done as little or as much at a time, as you need. Maybe you want to focus on working hard this year. Yes. Do it. Or maybe you want to work on letting your weird flag fly. I’m there with you! Whatever you do, don’t let your decision bring you down or overwhelm you. If you make a mistake or fail, reflect and improve. It’s just another opportunity to make a better choice! That’s your mindset shift for 2021. Don’t stress; do your best!
Enjoy your new year, better you. May the universe bless you with all of the goodness you deserve. 🙂
Looking for more New Year Goal inspiration? Check out some of my friend’s blogs below!
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Lynsey says
All great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Julie says
A lot of really great points! Thanks for the reminders!
Hannah says
These tips are so useful for anyone, as there‘s always work that can be done on our mindset. 💪🏼
I’ll write these headings down in my journal to remind myself of these every day.
Thank you!
Stephanie says
Yes!! Reflect is something I’m working on so I can evaluate what works for me and what doesn’t. Great tips!
Irina says
Love these so much! ❤️ Thanks for the sweet reminder!
Carrie says
Super important but I totally agree with all of them! Thanks for putting this uplifting message together!
Danielle says
I needed this read today!