It’s a rough climate out there on the internet world, right now especially. As tension is heightened, it would do everyone some good if we could keep things civil. Because we spend so much time on social media, it can have a negative effect on our psyche when all we see are mean, hurtful and a lot of times ignorant posts filling our feed. So, here are 5 things we do on social media that won’t change anyone’s mind and what we can do instead. To be honest, I am 100% guilty of doing these things and also believe in freedom of speech, but I am finding ways for a more positive and/or civil way to go about discussion that helps me stay in a healthier place mentally.
#1 Post Memes
Memes are mostly funny but have little to no actual, factual information. So if you are trying to prove a point, posting these on social media won’t change anyone’s mind and might alternatively trigger people. INSTEAD post researched facts in the meme caption or credible articles. My favorite place to post memes, because I love to laugh, is in FB groups dedicated to like-minded people. That way I know the people seeing them will also think they are funny rather than be mad or upset.
#2 Call Out Someone Using a Vague Status or Quote
This has been a thing FOR>EV>ER when drama ensues, but it is especially prevalent right now with the country divided into two sides. If you are targeting a, most likely, friend because you aren’t agreeing or getting along INSTEAD privately message that friend to work it out. Soon, our lives will settle down and you have to decide if you want an argument to ruin your friendship. Putting them on blast on social media won’t change their mind. Plus, it makes everyone else either think the post is about them or roll their eyes over the theatrics.
#3 Use Personal Insults
If you haven’t been part of one of these heated posts, you may have at least scrolled across some. It’s hard not to feel the negativity coming off of them. Their is no reason to insult someone’s intelligence, values, or even physical appearance over a disagreement. Not only is it a social media d*ck move (that you most likely would never use in person), but it most definitely won’t change anyone’s mind. Rather than insulting the person disagreeing with you, INSTEAD stick to arguing the problems with the issue, topic, or logic.
#4 Bombard Posts with Your Own Opinions
You will more likely than not be exposed to friends’ posts with differing opinions, or at least hopefully. It’s healthy to have diversity in your life. However, it can also be triggering to see opposing views over controversial issues. In the case where someone chooses to freely express their view and it differs from yours, try to refrain from bombarding their post with your 2 cents. Unless they asked for your opinion on social media, your comment about how they are wrong and you’re right won’t change their mind. It’s already made up, INSTEAD just keep scrolling and respect different points of view. If their opinion is based on false information and you can’t help yourself, politely inform them of the facts using a reference and leave it at that.
#5 Impulse Post
Have you ever posted an article after just reading the title, only to be met by comments from your friendly, neighborhood fact-checker? I have. Since then I have made sure to actually read the articles before I post them. Journalism is kind of a joke right now with all of the misinformation out there. Mere titles of articles are usually twisted and bias with the contents full of holes or even unrelated information. So, make sure you fully understand what you are posting beforehand. Also, you should be ready to reference the article to those who only read titles and comment.
INSTEAD find high quality information in favor of what you support. I have found that posting the positives about topics I believe in reaches people more than posting negatives about the opposing side. For example, I voted for third party, Libertarian candidate, Jo Jorgensen and I spoke my mind about politics on my FB the same as everyone else, but I stuck to why I believed in my choice. I didn’t post a bunch of mean slander or exaggerated shock memes condemning Trump or Biden. Most people just let me be because I wasn’t posting any negativity about the candidate they chose to believe in. This social media tactic may not change their minds, but people will more often respect your posts and/or leave you alone because they aren’t trying to defend their own opposing viewpoints.
In the Grand Scheme of Things…
These tips will always be relevant as social media continues to replace tv and radio news. So, be yourself but be civil. You can always unfriend that toxic, argumentative person if they are really affecting your mindset. OR if that’s you and you’ve been losing friendships; maybe think about how you’re presenting yourself and if your actions are really changing anyone’s mind. Chances are they probably aren’t and you should just live an let live. It would be great to make our daily lives with social media a place of positivity and healthy discussion.
Danielle says
This is the truth! Granted I love memes 😂 but yes to everything!
Alex says
I love memes so much! LOL
Stephanie says
Thank you for sharing! These are great tips especially the positive and research articles instead of vague stats!
Alex says
For sure! So much misinformation out there!